Sunday, April 03, 2005

These are three possible small groups that I would like to lead.

My current focus is on launching Four Bridges Ministry in January 2006.

Yet after the ministry is up and going then I could have the time and energy to develop these.

During the next 3 to 5 years it is my dream to start and lead each of these at least one time. And from the start I will be seeking those who will continue and expand this initial work.

I am a pioneer that seeks leaders to nurture the works that we co-create.

This is presented in the form of a blog in order to enroll prayers and feed back (comments, suggestions and questions)

Let us agree in prayer that in due season God will bring this to pass.

Use the email link at the end to respond.

Discover and Develop Your Spiritual Gifts
During the first few small group meetings we will take a comprehensive spiritual gifts test with DISC personality test that is used at the seminary . It is self-graded. We will share the results with each other. Each member will prayerfully develop plans and action steps to develop their spiritual gifts. This includes exploring and developing expressions of the spiritual gifts in various setting like family, employment, school, weekends, over the Internet. Small group members expressing their spiritual gifts to the group will use two thirds of the class time. The rest of the time will be used to testify, pray for and encourage one another. (Those who join the class after the first session will take the test and join into the flow.)

Consistently Improving Stewardship
The Bible teaches that every believer will give an account of his or her life to the Lord Jesus Christ. (There are eternal rewards at stake.) Amidst the swirling forces that push and pull we rarely take the long view. We do not recognize and access how our weekly routines and daily choices impact the kingdom of God. We will support and encourage one another to live in the light of eternity. This small group will cover why and how to get into the habit of consistently improving the stewardship of time, talent and treasure (things and money). Gradually we will help one another change our priorities, goals, commitments, habits and accountability relationships. We will enter a flow of living their life as unto the Lord Jesus Christ in alignment with their godly intentions, biblical values and unique giftings.

Pioneering the Missions Frontier of the World Wide Web
The Bible is our standard for faith and practice. The eternal Word of God both provides the believer with spiritual food and guidance to share the truth and love of God with others. Our first responsibility is to the household of faith. Each believer is an important member of the body of Christ. Other members need to receive of the spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit has bestowed. Also as ambassadors for Christ the message of reconciliation needs to be presented in word with deeds. During recent years the Internet has increase all over the globe. The World Wide Web provides contacts locally and globally. Together we will explore and develop ways to better use such communication tools as email, forums, blogs, web sites, Instant Messaging, chat rooms, etc. for the glory of God. No experience necessary; just a willingness to experiment and learn.

John S. Oliver